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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Trying To Hold Her Bottle

Friday Night

Sunday Morning

Friday night Isabelle was holding her hands up high on her bottle. She just started doing this. It seemed the bottle was to heavy but she was trying . This morning she was holding her bottle. It got easier for her the less formula she had in it! She is getting so big and too quick! I think she has seen Rachel hold hers and she wants to be big like Rachel.


Jessica said...

That is just tooooo precious! And the bows--adorable!!!! Enjoy those bows now, cause once my girls hit about 3, they refused to wear them anymore!

CBJR Family said...

At least holding her bottle is a GOOD thing she may have learned from Rachel!! I don't want Rachie to be a bad influence! (-:

Kim said...

This girl is too much-she seems so ahead for her age!