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Monday, December 10, 2007

4 Month Checkup

Isabelle saw Dr. Collins today and she is great. She weighs 13lbs. 10oz. and is 23inches long! She is in the 50% for both. She got 4 shots today...OUCH! She also had an oral immunization the same round she got at 2 months. She did OK she SCREAMED I know it hurt. Mommy did better I did not cry this time. She got a clean bill of health even with the yucky nose! They said see you in Feb. for her 6 month check up unless her nose gets worse before that!!!! Here are a couple of pics of her ALMOST rolling over last night!


CBJR Family said...

Izzie's buddy literally felt her pain today! Those shots are the worst! Izzie Grace will be rolling all over the place any day now!!

Kim said...

Aww-sorry for the shots! Chandler Grace gets her 6 month shots on Wednesday-it's not just hard on these babies it's hard on us mommies, right?!! She'll be all over the place before you know it!! Chandler is rolling until she bumps into something! We always sing/song to her "Chandler Grace, all over the place!" So much fun!