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Thursday, December 20, 2007

We Did It!

Yes we did it! Isabelle slept all night in her OWN Room in her Big Girl Crib! She has been sleeping in our room since she was a couple weeks old in the Pack N Play. She did start out in her crib under the lights but after all that and several nights of being up all night we put her in our room and on her tummy and she started sleeping and if you remember she started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks. I was going to try after Thanksgiving to put her in the crib...well I chickened out I wanted her near me just in case. Well she is almost 20 weeks and I know it is time and good for her and for us. So a little hesitant I put her in her crib last night and then shed some tears I know, I know, I am retarded it is not like we have a huge house she is right down the hall just a few feet away. I checked on her often and of course had the monitor in our room. I don't think I got a whole lot of sleep but she did not skip a beat she slept right through the night as always. She only cried out a couple of times and I put the pacifier back in and she was great. So to say we did it yes we did she slept all night and in her crib but a huge step for mommy was made!


Jessica said...

Congratulations! Another milestone!

Kim said...

Hooray Isabelle-Hooray Jodie!

CBJR Family said...

Yippee!! Good for you! It will get easier with each night!

Rhonda J said...

Hooray for you both, especially Mommy! This picture of you two is sooooooooo cute. She is truly an angel!