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Sunday, September 21, 2008

2008 Walk To Remember

Today Isabelle & I met up with Beth, Molly & Maguire at the waterfront for the 2008 Walk To Remember, Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness. This is the 4th year for this walk and the first time I have heard about it. It is a nice way to honor the babies you have lost. It was a bit overwhelming to see in person how many people have experienced this loss. We started at the blue arch and took the 1 mile memory walk. We ended by getting a yellow balloon and then each baby's name was read from the program. Our babies were listed as Collins Angel Babies- 3/2005 & 6/2006. Molly was walking in honor of her baby 10/2007 and Beth was walking in honor of her baby 6/2008. As the names were read we walked to the front and received a nice handmade ornament. Once all the names had been read we released the balloons to the wonderful song "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" The same one that plays in Isabelle's video.

It was a nice afternoon, I will always remember the babies that I only carried for a brief time and never got to meet. I also know that loosing them brought me Isabelle and I am forever grateful. One day I know I will hold my 2 babies in heaven.

Thank you Beth for finding this walk and inviting me, I know I will be there every year from now on to honor all of our babies.


CBJR Family said...

I'm glad you were there to walk with me. I thought it was a special way to remember our babies and I look forward to walking next year!

happymomof4 said...

Jodie, sounds like a really nice walk. I wished I had known about it I would love to join in and walk in memory of William. If you happen to remember next year will you pass the info along- thanks.

The Behmke Family said...

I'm crying of course. I am glad that you guys could be together but sorry that anyone has to walk that walk! Love ya!

God Bless,

Kim said...

Oh, Jodie-I got tears and goose bumps reading this. What a beautiful way to remember your precious babies.
And what a beautiful deomonstration of God's faithfulness to see you there with Izzie. I'm glad you have this to participate in, and smile to think of you already a mom to 3; 1 here and the 2 you will hold in Heaven!

Unknown said...

I still think of the loss I had in 5/1998. Then Abby was conceived 1 month later. That never took the pain away.

Carrie, Sean and Savannah Leigh said...

What a very nice way to remember all the precious babies. God bless!

Staci said...

Please forward any information about this walk for next year. I would like to get in on my calendar and participate.
