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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Izzie & Her Cell Phone

Oh Scott is in so much trouble one day. We got new phones the other night and I was going to give Isabelle my old one. The guy at the store said "no don't do that because yours still works and what if you need it for whatever reason you need to hang on to it." He said "I'll give her a phone to play with." and he gave her a display phone and you would of thought he hung the moon. She started jabbering and was smiling and she was telling some big story. Now whenever she has it in her hand she says "hey" and jabbers FOREVER. She is going to be a talker like her mother!!!!!


CBJR Family said...

Every girl needs her own phone!! They know the difference between a real one and a fake one, too! Tell Izzie to give Rachie a call sometime! She loves to talk on the phone, too!

The Mom said...

It's never too early to start her on her own plan!